As part of the Soul Stretch Community we wanted you to be the first to hear of our online courses.

We have worked with several SS Ambassadors to create  ‘nourish your soul’ A series of online courses ranging from physical, social and mental well being offerings to help you expand your mind and nourish your soul

We are so excited to share with you the first course; … the very beginning of our existence, our breathing.

Whether you are an expert in meditation or a beginner, this 4 episode course will help to ground you in your everyday life. Learning all about the breath…..

The course is a series of 4 video’s available online, allowing you to work at your own pace. Want to use it more than once? you will have access to this course for 12 months from the time of purchase! How amazing! 

What does this series of events contain?

This series of breathwork classes has been created to help everyone and anyone improve their understanding and use of their breath. It is a practical course which looks at the anatomy and muscles of the breath and introduces several breathing techniques which are suitable for all.

The purpose of this course is to increase the awareness of the breath, improve efficiency of breathing and give you (the practitioner) options of how to affect your mental, physical and emotional state (calm, balance, stimulate) all simply, using your breath.

Ep1. Introduction to Breath - Yogic Breath

Ep2. Pranayama class 1 - Kapalbhati

Ep3. Pranayama class 2 - Anuloma Viloma

Ep4. Pranayama class 3 - Sama Vritti (Box Breathing)

Who can take this course?

This can be taken by those who have no experience in yoga as the content has no expectation of prior knowledge, and the techniques are for everyday use and do not need any physical warm up or other preparations, just a positive and open mindset.  It can also be enjoyed by those who are regular yoga practitioners to help create a firm foundation for their practice.

What can you achieve from this course?

By understanding what is actually happening in the body when we breathe, through study of the anatomy and muscles of the breath, you are able to improve your breathing efficiency and know how to breathe in certain situations. 

You will be introduced to several breathing techniques which are suitable for all, to give you a tool box from which to work from, including the full yogic breath, Kapalbhati (Skull Shining breath), Sama Vritti (Box Breathing) and Anuloma Viloma (Alternate nostril breath).

How much is this course?

This course is a one off payment of £29.99.

So why not purchase yours and begin your breath work journey.

Available from 1st October.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media:

Instagram: @soul_stretch

Facebook: @soulstretchltd

Twitter: @soul_stretch

LinkedIn: Soul Stretch Events
