All therapists with Soul Stretch Ltd are qualified and are covered by professional and public indemnity insurance for the therapies that they provide.

Because of the nature of massage therapy and the necessity for close contact, all Soul Stretch therapists will maintain high standards of personal hygiene and our clients are politely requested to ensure that they also maintain a high standard of personal hygiene. Clients are requested to wear suitable underwear and wear comfortable clothing for the treatment. 

Should one of our therapists be unwell, suffering from a cold or infection or general ill health, they will not be allowed to attend their work because of the risk of cross-contamination. This may result in the Soul Stretch team contacting you to inform you of the circumstances at the earliest opportunity to offer alternative suitable arrangements.


Should any client of Soul Stretch be deemed to be using inappropriate behaviour in any form towards our staff, both in front of the house and in the therapy rooms, they will be asked to leave immediately and no refund of appointment fees will be given. This shall apply to requests for sexual favours, or behaviour of a manner by which the therapist would feel intimidated or embarrassed. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated.


Clients below the age of 16 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. They will be requested to remain in the tent or close by during the appointment so that they shall be present throughout the treatment.


All client information will be safeguarded and remain confidential. We will not share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide to us without your consent unless where required to do so by law.

Consultations and client treatment details will not be discussed with anyone other than the client unless the client is under the age of 16 or has a care worker or guardian.


Appointment times have been arranged specifically for you. If you arrive late for your scheduled appointment, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours.

Depending upon how late you arrive, your therapist will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session, however we will do our best to satisfy the scheduled time.


SOUL STRETCH LTD Provides massage therapy and bodywork in a variety of forms, but none of these bodywork therapies are a substitute for professional medical care or counseling. None of the therapists at Soul Stretch will diagnose, prescribe medication or medical treatment of any kind, unless they are individually qualified to do so, and will always recommend referral to a GP or other qualified medical specialist or practitioner.